About alpaca and alpacas. These animals are usually timid. In the wild, although they are timid, on occasion, if they are thirsty and were seeking water holes they stop and allow you to observe them closely. Shrewd tradesmen of the past, finding that the fabric manufactured from alpaca wool was highly desired, many years ago gave the name to a far cheaper fabric, a material used for coat linings, umbrellas, and thin, warm-weather coats. Long and silky, straighter than a sheep's, this fleece is strong, small of fiber, very soft, pliable and elastic. About alpaca and alpacas.
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Many of the silky, fluffy, knitted garments that command the highest prices for winter wear, and which are called by various names, such as "vicu a," "camel's hair," etc. About alpaca and alpacas. , are really made of the fleece of these animals. These animals, like their cousins, were probably domesticated by the early Peruvians from the wild guanaco, largest of the camels of the New World, which still exists in a wild state and is always of uniform coloration. The fleece of these animals are extremely variegated. About alpaca and alpacas.