Provides alpaca breeder product or service and alpaca shearing. There have been a number of decisions made regarding the topics that included in this publication. The topical choices that were made for this document include the results of science-based research on the biology, physiology and care of these animals in both their native environments, and as transplants to other countries, the management of these animals by the native people as both herd and natural resources, some information on the important products such as fiber and meat, the role and economic value of the animals and animal products in rural communities, disease and disease organisms, veterinary care of diseases, injuries, surgery, genetic conditions, etc. The information in this resource has been extracted primarily from the AGRICOLA database, and the collection of the National Agricultural Library. Provides alpaca breeder product or service and alpaca shearing.
alpaca breeder
alpaca shearing
alpaca sweaters
alpaca wool
charlottesville alpacas
baby alpaca
alpaca ranch
alpaca ranchs
alpaca nutrition
information on alpacas
It is not a comprehensive listing of the Worlds literature available on these animals, however, the information you will find here will be crucial to helping you raise these animals with success, profit, and fun. Provides alpaca breeder product or service and alpaca shearing. They usually defecate in fixed areas and avoid grazing there, keeping parasitic infestations low. Their manure also makes an excellent fertilizer. They have a high world market value between $8,500 and $25,000 per animal, and a breeding age female goes for $15,000 to 25,000, the estimated price in 1997. Provides alpaca breeder product or service and alpaca shearing.