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Personalized Pumpkins

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Engraved Personalized Pumpkins!

Who is Jack, and Karen, and Mike, and Jill, and Sue, and Ben? We are expecting them and hundreds of others at Our Farm this fall. But we don't know their last names. We know that there probably will be a Gina, and a Roger, and a Kathy, and also a Cathy, and a Tom and we think that they might appreciate a pumpkin with their name carved on it. Actually we scar the pumpkin with a person's name in August, and by September-October, they have a nice little pumpkin with their name etched on it. The name becomes part of the pumpkin.
We call them personalized pumpkins. We don't know of any other place that offers these! But don't wait too long, we have a limited supply and the selection is bound to narrow as the month goes by.

Pumpkins 1


Pumpkins 2


Pumpkins 3